Tips For Living On Your Own in Your First London Flat

If you’re flying out of the nest for the first time or a freshman at a local university, we know that moving out to your own flat in London can be nerve racking and difficult, but a rewarding experience overall. It is easy to get caught up in your new independence and forget about crucial responsibilities.  However we’ve come up with a few helpful tips to help you stick to your budget and stay on track while living in your first London flat rental.


It is important to understand that there are other expenses in addition to rent.  For those living on their own for the first time, it is hard to grasp how much additional utilities and other bills will cost per month.  We suggest sitting down with an experienced friend or family member to map out such expected costs.  Such costs include, water, electricity, food, home goods and personal items.

Moving Day:

The big day has finally arrived and you are officially an adult! Although you may be excited to finally leave the nest, there are a few tips and ideas to keep in mind to help make the move stress-free.

  • Save money on moving equipment by asking friends and family to help move your essentials
  • Make sure you are packed up well in advanced, waiting last minute will create greater stress

Spending Wisely:

Now that you are settled it is important to understand to budget what you need.  The first few months might not be the best idea to spend on leisurely items until you are clear with your budget habits.  Start out with necessary needs such as a refrigerator, towels and food.  Although tempting it would be wise to wait until you buy that drum set you’ve been eyeing.

This is a huge milestone in your life, staying on track will garner great success.  Good luck!

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