Find The Best House Removals Company

House removals are said to be one of the 3 most stressful situations in life. Divorce is said to top that list. There are no statistics which directly link those two together, but if there were, they may well tell a rather distressing story.

You could choose to pack up and move out yourself. In leaving a four bedroom home, between 120-180 boxes are required, and this is estimated to take between 15-30 hours. Sorting through these items, rediscovering treasured and sentimentally valuable objects and arguing over their future, can take much longer.

In a household where both adults work, there will often not be much time to get this process finished. Once you have accepted an offer for your home, you will have a strict timescale for leaving – frequently between 2 weeks and 2 months. This can push people further.

So how do you proceed? Do you take time off work, sacrifice the precious little holiday time you have each year? Or do you hire a removal company?

Hiring a house removals company can save you a huge amount of stress and can minimise the risk of unnecessary breakages when moving (there may still be ‘time’ to move the TV into the car before bed, but after that third glass of wine, is it really a good idea?).

When considering a moving company, look for companies registered under the British Association of Removers (BAR). Research is required into the right company as you need to be able to put a lot of trust into your eventual choice.

Try to find a company based in your local area. They will know your location well, and, more importantly it will be far easier to find people who have previously experienced their services.

Asking around has to be a fundamental part of choosing a company, ask your friends, ask your parents – as most people will have moved at some point in their lives, most will be able to give you a recommendation. If these sources fail, try Mind The Flat, which allows users to leave reviews of companies they have used.

Once you have received some suggestions narrow it down to a list of 3-4 similarly reviewed companies, then fill in the form. When you click send, the form is automatically sent off to every company on list, all of whom will get back to you with a quote!

A good idea may also be to test the company. Ask them how they would move one of your more treasured items – ‘How would you get my limited edition Dukes Of Hazzard pinball machine down from the fourth floor’. If they don’t give you a satisfactory answer, then move on to the next company.

If possible, look for companies which employ full time removal men rather than simply casual laborers. Also check to see is the company offers insurance liability, in case the worst was to happen, and something was to get broken.

There are many ‘man with a van services’ which may well seem to be cheaper, but which do not have the vehicles necessary to deal with heavy furniture removals, and who are unlikely to offer you the same service as a full removal company.

When looking for removal company dates, it is better to call them every day to let them know about your availability. Until you have a confirmed date (or dates) of your move, don’t book a moving day, otherwise you may well lose any initial deposit/be charged a fee.
The most important thing to remember when choosing a house removals company is, as well as saving you time and stress, they are also looking after ALL of your belongings. Don’t simply chose a company based on the cheapest rate, do some research and find out the company who will provide you with the best, most complete service. Happy moving!

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