Bonding With Your New London Flatmate

15 March 2023

Move in day is getting closer and your nerves are starting to rattle.  You’re excited for your new chapter, but you keep worrying about getting along with your new flatmate.  Questions after questions are running through your head, making you more worrisome.  Take a deep breath and relax, there are plenty of ways to break the ice with your new flatmate in London.

  • Pick a television series to watch together

Watching a show together is the perfect way to spend at least 30 minutes or more a day with your new flatmate. There are plenty of great shows out right now! You could even designate a day or two out of the week as a “movie night.”

  • Exercise together

Whether it’s a stroll around the park or lifting weights, working out together will encourage the both of you to get outside and enjoy London’s surroundings.  Plus you will feel great after a workout!

  • Explore the town

London is filled with plenty of tourist attractions and venues sure to keep you entertained for a while.  Choose a day to visit a local museum and explore what London has to offer.  Better yet, enjoy a bite to eat at a local restaurant.  After all, who doesn’t love bonding over food?

Establishing a healthy relationship with your flatmate is important for a great living environment.  There are plenty of attractions to share with your roommate in London, all you have to do is get out there and explore!

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